A modern utopia.
Design as a tool for the conservation and reuse of modern heritage.
The Workshop is part of the activities related to the International DOCOMOMO that celebrates its International Congress in Valencia in September 2022, whose theme is Design, Social Commitment & Quality of life and has been supported by ISC/ Education & Training.
It has been organised by the Valencia School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Docomomo International ISC/E&T
A modern utopia.
Design as a tool for the conservation and reuse of modern heritage.
The Workshop is part of the activities related to the International DOCOMOMO that celebrates its International Congress in Valencia in September 2022, whose theme is Design, Social Commitment & Quality of life.
It will deal with the search for social, economic and environmental sustainability of one of the most important examples of modern architecture in Spain, as is the Cheste Workers University designed by the architect Fernando Moreno Barberá, which as a part of modern heritage, is facing a serious risk of abandonment and actions that may undermine its architectural values.
The objective will be to attract the knowledge and ideas of young professionals and students from different disciplines as Architecture, Design, Art, Cultural Management, Economics or Sociology, for thinking collectively about the possible futures of these architectures, and for which it is a challenge and also an opportunity, to find the uses and design interventions that allow it to be preserved and used in a manner consistent with its values and its heritage importance.
To this end, some themes are proposed taking Design Thinking as an analysis tool and project process, which will organize the group of participants into different working groups.
The organization has proposed 3 workshops, and it’s opened to include new proposals to develop in other Workshops.
SOS Modern Heritage.
Design scenarios for Modern Heritage Management.
Tutors: Carmel Gradolí + Pasqual Herrero
Participants will analyze the state of modern heritage in Valencia and Spain, through examples in all states: (protected and in use, buildings in use in poor condition, abandoned buildings and threatened with ruin, demolished or missing buildings).
We will study which are the values and management techniques for the recovery and use of these examples of architecture, with a mission: to jointly design different Scenarios and possible Re-Use for the Modern Heritage, and specifically for the Cheste Worker University. The future scenarios must be graphic and visual form to be expressed through the media and dissemination to the Community.
Modern Design Notebook.
An approach to design at 1:1 scale.
Tutors: Carmen Martínez + Fernando Usó
Participants will focus on the values of architecture and design in the Modern Movement, through on-site observation, detailed drawing or 3D modeling. A series of drifts and visites throughout the University, in which the participants will complete a notebook of details, with a precise methodology, allowing them to learn the values of the elements of architecture (facades, brise-soleils, stairs, floors) as well as the details of furniture (furnishings, lighting, interior design details).
After the analysis process, the participants will redesign the objects and construction details, according to the new context, new paradigms of sustainability, which can be used for future rehabilitation interventions. The digitalization of these notebooks will form an inventory of the modern heritage of the Cheste Workers University which will be collected as an online dossier
Cut-out architectures.
Models as educational resources for the dissemination of architecture.
Tutor: Javier Jiménez
The participants will use the methodology of Paper Cut-outs to analyze different buildings of the Cheste Worker University. Starting with the study of an example, and after the visit to the different buildings, and its composition and constructive analysis, participants will select some of the buildings and design the cut-out templates.
This new templates will be able to complete a collection of future cut-outs of architectures. The new Cut-outs, once they can be edited with greater detail, can be didactic elements for students of architecture and design, as well as for schoolchildren..
Thursday 1st September
10:30 Arrival of Participants / Accreditations (Cheste Worker University)
11:00 Presentation of the Workshop by the DOCOMOMO International Congress Organization and the participating Universities and Schools
(Cheste Worker University, ETSA UPV and EASD)
12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 Organization of teams and presentation of the Workshops by the Tutors
14:00 Lunch Break
15:00-18:00 Workshops (Session 1)
18:00-19:00 Joint activity: Cinema in the gardens
(Documentary on the construction of the Cheste Worker University).
21:00 Break-Dinner
Friday 2nd September
10:00 -12:00 Workshops (Session 2)
12:00 Coffee Break
12:30 -14:00 Workshops (Session 3)
14:00 Lunch Break
15:00-18:00 Workshops (Session 4)
18:00-19:00 Joint activity: Modern Heritage Protection and Future.
Discussion in the gardens.
21:00 Break-Dinner
Saturday 3rd September
10:00 -12:00 Preparation of Workshop results.
12:00 Coffee Break
12:30 -14:00 Preparation of exhibition – public presentation
14:00 Lunch Break
17:00-18:00 Presentation of results
18:00-19:00 Joint activity: Concert in the gardens.
21:00 Break-Dinner
Sunday 4th September (Exhibition ETSA UPV)
10:00 -12:00 Moving Workshop Results to ETSA
12:00 Coffee Break
12:30 -15:00 Organising Workshop Results Exhibition in ETSA
Monday 5th September (Openning Exhibition ETSA UPV)
10:00 -12:00 Openning Workshop Results Exhibition DOCOMOMO Conference
Friday 9th September (Round Table Workshop)
16:00 -19:00 Workshop Conclussions Presentation
The workshop Registration fee is 50€
The fee includes: